#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use Cwd qw(abs_path); use File::Basename qw(basename); use Getopt::Long; binmode STDOUT; my ($in, $wrapper_only); GetOptions( 'in=s' => \$in, 'wrapper-only' => \$wrapper_only, ) or die "Can't parse command line arguments\n"; if (!defined $in) { die "Input file is not specified\n"; } if (!-e $in or !-f $in) { die "Can't find the input file\n"; } my $name = basename($in); $name =~ s/\s/_/g; my $temp_dir = $ENV{'TMPDIR'}; if (!defined $temp_dir) { die "Environment variable 'TMPDIR' is not set\n"; } if (!-e $temp_dir or !-d $temp_dir) { die "Can't find temporary directory\n"; } my $len = `head -n 1 '$in.line-length'`; my $temp_prefix = "$temp_dir/$name.ac-d"; my $temp_sequence; my $temp_names = "$temp_prefix-names"; my $temp_lengths = "$temp_prefix-lengths"; if ($wrapper_only) { $temp_sequence = $in; } else { my $ac_link = "$temp_dir/$name.fa.co"; system("ln -f -s '" . abs_path($in) . "' '$ac_link'"); my $cmd = "AD '$ac_link' >/dev/null 2>&1"; my $error = system($cmd); if ($error) { die "Command failed: $cmd\n"; } $temp_sequence = "$temp_dir/$name.fa.de"; if (!-e $temp_sequence) { die "Failed to produce temporary sequence file \"$temp_sequence\""; } unlink $ac_link; } run("zstd -dc <'$in.lengths' >'$temp_lengths'"); run("zstd -dc <'$in.names' >'$temp_names'"); my $cmd = "fasta-from-names-lengths-sequence --names '$temp_names' --lengths '$temp_lengths' --line-length $len <'$temp_sequence'"; run($cmd); if (!$wrapper_only) { unlink $temp_sequence; } unlink $temp_names; unlink $temp_lengths; sub run { my ($cmd) = @_; my $error = system($cmd); if ($error) { die "Command failed:\n$cmd\n"; } }